January was a busy month for a few members of the International Education Committee. Larry Clark, Kim Olson, James Simmers, Christine Jaglowski and I presented information and promoted upcoming travel opportunities to the faculty during the January 18-20 professional development days. While Christine, James and I scurried among campuses – Wednesday in West Bend, Thursday morning in Beaver Dam, and Thursday afternoon in Fond du Lac – to present about Germany and London, Larry and Kim enjoyed the opportunity to present updates on their China trip via TelePresence. They presented updates about their experiences last summer as they toured manufacturing sites in China. Their sessions were very well attended, and several faculty had great questions during those sessions.
We were pleased with the discussions and interest faculty have in exploring not only international travel but also international competencies in their own classes. Cross-cultural experiences are heightened when one is able to navigate the transportation system of London or negotiate items at street markets in China, but we can also share these experiences and educate each other when it comes to cultural awareness and sensitivities. Exploring these issues in the classroom can sometimes then lead to the desire to open Pandora’s travel box.
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