While one group of students has returned from London and Paris, Moraine Park reps are nearing the final stages of preparation to send off another group of 18 students, faculty and administrators to Germany and Italy. The passports are in hand, the tickets are ready to print, the host families are identified, and the group is almost packed for the May 29 departure. On May 29, James Simmers and I (more so James) will lead a group of Moraine Park culinary (and other) students on a group to Darmstadt, with Italy waiting in the wings. I will share more as we near the departure date, but for the moment, we will finish courses, respond to students here, march in graduation, and prepare for our Madison via Detriot via Frankfurt flight.
We look forward to you following us, and I plan to update you once or twice prior to the trip as well as while on the trip. Students will chime in, and members of our London travel group will get some final reflections and thoughts posted for you over the next few weeks as well. Moraine Park values the experiences study abroad can provide to workplace competencies, and these opportunities to London, Paris, Germany and Italy are evidence of those values. I'll be back for more in a few weeks!